Client Provincie Noord-Holland, Oneindig Noord-Holland

    Industry Governmental, Culture

    Services Branding, Identity, Web & Interactive, Online Campaign, Graphic Design, Web Design, Editorial Design, Creative direction, Motion, Outdoor campaign, Event organisation

    In collaboration with Bex Communicatie / Triptic

    Designing and branding an innovative cultural heritage platform for a wide audience


    Branding endless digital stories about the cultural heritage of Noord-Holland
    Heritage is digitally accessible

    Oneindig Noord-Holland (Endless Noord-Holland) is a foundation that promotes cultural heritage and is aimed towards inquisitive people looking for interesting leisure activities. Oneindig Noord-Holland has an online platform that makes the rich cultural history of the province of Noord Holland accessible to a wide audience. It is a digital collection comprising a seemingly endless number of stories, images, routes, videos and activities. And it is for everyone: members of the public and cultural institutions alike share their hidden stories. Oneindig Noord-Holland is not only present digitally, but is also reaches a large audience through campaigns, walking and cycling routes, public projects and an app.

    New brand

    We were part of the team that realised the project and we continue to work with the foundation. Together with the team led by former director Sarah Heijse and experts Bex Communicatie and Triptic, we developed a new brand in the cultural heritage and recreation market, the digital platform (with over 8 million items in the collection) and all communication tools.

    Cultural entrepreneurship

    At Oneindig Noord-Holland, cultural entrepreneurship both online and offline takes centre stage. It struck a chord with our own DNA as creative entrepreneurs, and resulted in communication that works. We developed various online and offline campaigns, such as the launch of ‘Verborgen Verhalen’ (‘Hidden Stories’) and ‘Binnen in Buitenplaatsen’ (‘Courtyards and Country Houses’), a campaign to attract volunteers for Noord-Holland country estates.


    With this campaign, we attracted more than a million visitors to the Oneindig Noord-Holland website ( We supported Oneindig Noord-Holland from the start with all its communication and marketing and developed the proposal for the years ahead.

     ‘We have to make everything beautiful accessible’. (…)
    ‘Our success depends on the extent to which we speak people’s language’.

    Sarah Thurlings-Heijse, former director of the Oneindig Noord-Holland foundation

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    Diemerzeedijk 27C
    1095KK Amsterdam
    +31 (0)20 – 494 3111

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